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Saber què és un manilla

Grill is a kind of sling, which is widely used in various industries such as electric power, metallurgy, petroleum, machinery, railway, chemical industry, port, mining, construction and so on. Grills are the same as other slings. They have their own set of application and invalidation specifications. Note for the use of manillas: The manillas must correctly support the load.
És a dir, la força de l’efecte hauria de ser al llarg de l’eix de la línia central del manilla per evitar flexions i càrregues inestables, per no parlar de la sobrecàrrega. L'ús i la invalidació del fitxermanilla should be rolled flexibly in the lifting hole, and no jamming is allowed. Phenomenon: The manilla body must not bear the effect of lateral bending moment, that is, the effect bearing capacity should be in the plane of the body.

L 'angle màxim inclòs entre els dos equips de pota que porta elmanilla cannot be greater than 120 degrees. The use and invalidation of manillas The manilla is that when the wire rope sling is used as a binding sling, the horizontal pin part of the manilla should be connected with the keyhole of the wire rope sling. The appearance is when the rigging is lifted.

El conflicte entre la corda de filferro i lamanilla causes the manilla to roll, and there is a risk of detachment. The use and invalidation specifications of the manilla. The pin is deformed up to 5% of the original size; the bolt is necrotic or slippery.
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